The main scene depicts all the connections between the various features.

Clicking a node

Once a feature is clicked, only those features which correspond to it are displayed.

Changing Shapes

By default, when the file is first opened, all the relations are shown as Ellipses. However, this can be changed in two ways.

The first way, is to use the Radio Buttons and click "Show All". By doing so, all the relations are displayed in one particular shape.

The second way, is to click a particular relation and modify it into a particular shape. This modification has a cyclic chain, Ellipse --> Cylinder --> Ribbon --> Ellipse.

Restoring Viewpoint

Sometimes, after a lot of scaling and rotations, it is difficult to come back to a position we would like, manually. Therefore, we have added a button named "Restore Viewpoint", that will restore the initial Viewpoint state of the scene.

Changing Colours and Widths

The colors and widths of relations can also be changed, by using the Color Mapper and Width Mapper respectively. The weight of each relation is mapped to a colour and a width. Both these Mappers are displayed below in the form of a table.

With respect to the weights present in the mapper, a linear interpolation maybe performed and then the color and width of a relation is altered accordingly.

New weights can be added into this Color Mapper, using the Colour Palette provided inside "Output Color". By default, this is displayed as "FFFFFF". Existing weights can also be changed using this. Similarly, widths can also be altered.

To delete a particular color or width, it's weight should be specified. A separate field and button is provided for this.

For the changes to take place, click the respective buttons, "Change Colors" or "Change Widths"

Exporting a Scene

The current scene can be exported by clicking the button named "Export File"